Host a website in 3 easy steps

If you would like to host and share a static web page, simply put your HTML (and resources such as: javascript, css ...) files on GitLab and you are all set.
SIB pages will fetch the HTML file from GitLab and serve it with the proper Content-Type headers, you don't need to worry about setting up an HTTP server.

1) Paste your HTML file hosted on GitLab here  (or click here to see an example)

Note that if you didn't create a "public" repository on GitLab your must change the settings manually. On Edit Project -> "project visibility" must be set to "public" and "repository" has to be set to "everyone with access"

2) Use this URL for dev, test or internal purposes

3) Request aliases for public / production environment

If you are a SIB member, you can request aliases following the structure:
To ask for alias(es), read the guidelines and send an email to or submit a pull request.
There are currently 4 namespaces (but the list can be increased):

  • /people/[your-name] (by convention it should map to a /homepage repository on GitLab)
  • /project/[project-name] (can map to any repository)
  • /blog/[blog-name]
  • /doc/[documentation-name]

/project namespace examples

alias: /project/genome-jumper maps to gitlab repository master branch: /ST/genome-jumper/blob/master/index.html
alias: /project/svip maps to gitlab repository master branch: /ST/sib-wheel/blob/master/index.html
alias: /project/sib-wheel maps to gitlab repository master branch: /ST/sib-wheel/blob/master/index.html

/people namespace examples

alias: /people/Patricia.Palagi maps to gitlab repository master branch: /ppalagi/homepage/raw/master
alias: /people/Thuong.Van.Du.Tran maps to gitlab repository master branch: /ttran/homepage/raw/master